The giant river system that existed 40 million years ago was discovered deep under the Antarctic ice

Geologists digging into the massive West Antarctic ice sheet have uncovered the remains of an ancient river system that once flowed for nearly a thousand miles. The discovery provides a glimpse into Earth’s history and hints at how extreme climate change could alter the planet, according to their findings, published June 5 in the journal … Read more

An incredible hydrothermal environment discovered deep under the ocean: ScienceAlert

A stunning new place has been discovered, hidden deep beneath the ocean waves of the Arctic Circle. Off the coast of Svalbard, Norway, more than 3,000 meters (9,842 feet) below, a field of hydrothermal vents unfolds along Knipovich Ridge, an underwater mountain range previously thought to be quite inconspicuous. Instead, like underfloor heating, volcanic activity … Read more