The mystery of what led to the extinction of large animals 50,000 years ago is SOLVED

Scientists have long debated why woolly mammoths, giant sloths and 44 other giant plant-eating 'megaherbivores' went extinct starting about 50,000 years ago.  Above, an engraving by Ernest Grise of prehistoric man hunting a woolly mammoth

Scientists have long debated why woolly mammoths, giant sloths and 44 giant plant-eating ‘megaherbivores’ went extinct starting around 50,000 years ago. Some paleontologists, biologists, and others have argued that drastic climate change events during the last two ice ages were responsible for the extinction of these majestic creatures. But a new study has found another … Read more

A milestone achieved in the discovery of the fundamental forces of the universe at the Large Hadron Collider


Building on their extensive involvement at CERN, the University of Rochester team recently achieved “highly accurate” measurements of the weak mixing angle, a core component of the Standard Model of particle physics. Credit: Samuel Joseph Hertzog; Julien Marius Ordan Researchers at the University of Rochester, working with the CMS Collaboration on CERNhave made significant advances … Read more